St. Croix Casino Danbury is located just four miles from Woodland Trails. Their entertainment offerings include a comedian in the West Wind Lounge every Thursday evening and a different band every Friday and Saturday evening. Check what they have scheduled in the coming weeks here.

Bill, a Woodland Trails guest, had a great time filling is as one of The Blues Brothers. The audience loved his performance!
They also present a dinner show in the Event Center about once per month. Most recently, on Saturday, April 4th, The Ultimate Legends did tributes to Buddy Holly, Neil Diamond and The Blues Brothers. Woodland Trails guests, Gabriele and Bill from Circle Pines, are big Neil Diamond fans. They said Jeff Diamond, who did the tribute to Neil Diamond, was outstanding.
John Eske did the tribute to Buddy Holly and was equally outstanding.
But, the most fun of the evening was the final tribute to The Blues Brothers. Since one of the performers was ill, a replacement was recruited from the audience … our Bill! He did so well, the audience gave him a great ovation and everyone was congratulating him as he left the building.
And, oh by the way, the dinner shows are a great value, just $20 for dinner and the show. We’ll try to post the dates of coming dinner shows and they come available.