The highest compliment guests can pay to any B&B is returning for another visit. We are grateful and fortunate to have guests who have been back many times. Here are three stories:

Friends Dan & Donne, Susan & Dennis and Gene & Nancy have a combined total of 21 visits to Woodland Trails!

George and Janny, Richfield, have stayed with us many times. On one visit they brought along photos taken on 10 previous visits. Being a typical man, George was wearing the same shirt in some of the photos!

Pat and Harold, Eden Prairie, have been to nearly two dozen B&Bs since 1976 and have never gone back to any for a second visit, EXCEPT Woodland Trails. We have enjoyed their company their original visit and four return visits.
George & Janny, Richfield, have stayed with us 10 times. On their most recent visit they brought photos from all their previous visits. In a few of them George was wearing the same shirt! |